As Mother's Day approaches I feel like at least once every day this week I have been asked "what are your big plans for Sunday?" The answer - none! In fact the more I think about it, the more I realize the last thing I want are big plans. I spend every day managing plans, activities and schedules for 5 people. On Mother's Day I do not want to eat at a crowded restaurant where I am trying to entertain, please and corral three kids, do not want a big gift, nor want a big fuss.
My real gift is realizing that I have (so far) succeeded in raising three happy, kind, beautiful girls who demonstrate their love for, and capacity to mother, each other, every day. They love to play together, miss each other when they are at school and wait anxiously to be re-united at the end of each day, and most importantly take incredible care of each other. They travel as a pack and leave no girl behind!
That being said.. for my husband who keeps asking "what do you want for Mother's Day?" Well, I want to sleep in, not make a meal all day and not be the "go to" person for all needs, big and small, in our household from 7am-7pm for just one day. Any mom will tell you these are true gifts!
Happy Mothers Day and may you all find sleep, peace and a chance to relax on Sunday!
To say thank you and Happy Mother's Day please use code: dearmom at checkout for 20% off (excluding sample sale). dearjohnnies
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